25 Jan, 2022 | Erotic Thoughts
A photo. A very simple photo. I want you, I want you, you are always in my head. I don’t want to ask you for anything other than a photo of you. Let me feel that you like to know that I like you. Let me feel that you have the same desire that I have you say. Let me feel that your body is looking forward to being eaten by my eyes.
22 Jan, 2022 | Erotic Thoughts
She had a body abandoned to pleasure and free from any medieval prejudice. Just looking at her finally gave me the feeling that I was alive and how much that moment was worth to me.
17 Jan, 2022 | Erotic Thoughts
When you asked if those pants make your butt look big; a friend would say “no, you look great.” but a best friend would start singing ‘I LIKE BIG BUTTS AND I CANNOT LIE!
08 Jan, 2022 | Erotic Thoughts
“A beautiful woman is not the youngest, the skinniest, nor the one with smooth skin and striking hair; it is the one that with a single pure, wide smile and good advice can brighten up your life.” – Gabriel Garcia Marquez
22 Dec, 2021 | Erotic Thoughts
There isn’t a single time of year for which there is no reason to celebrate with just the right pinch of madness. Enjoy the holidays, but don’t forget every single remaining day of the year.
16 Dec, 2021 | Erotic Thoughts
Seduction is an art. So goes the saying. It is for this reason that at a certain point (and fortunately I would add), beauty, money and power take a back seat to make room for other characteristics of each one. Seduction is a skill that varies from person to person, but which can be improved over time.
10 Dec, 2021 | Erotic Thoughts
Don’t you also feel these Christmas scents, these colors and these cravings? Why not put the person you want under the tree more than any other futile object?
There are things that excite you to discard them not only during the holidays.
27 Nov, 2021 | Erotic Thoughts
Playing with exhibitionism is not a thing to think about too much. You will always find someone that will be more sexy than you. More beautiful, more sensual, more intense or too soft. The only thing that matters is what you do for yourself and what you want to convey. Before judging whether it is right or not to do something, you must at least try.
24 Nov, 2021 | Erotic Thoughts
Sometimes a nice smile, the right look, knows how to bewitch you more than a fantastic ass, with perfect shapes, which is slammed in your face.
21 Nov, 2021 | Erotic Thoughts
It doesn’t matter which game you are playing. It doesn’t matter what rules you have imposed on yourself. The important thing is that there is always that pinch of unconsciousness and something sinful to discover each time together.