Unspeakable Secrets
The most unspeakable of the secrets of any sexual dominator lies in the secret desire to be dominated. yearning for revenge and revenge.
The most unspeakable of the secrets of any sexual dominator lies in the secret desire to be dominated. yearning for revenge and revenge.
The woman, female, the true and self-confident one, is capable of inspiring more fear and reverence than an entire nation heavly armed. A woman who knows how to please is a real weapon of mass destruction.
No being in the world, as only a woman can, can wait for the right moment. The only thing left to man is to know how to grasp it
It’s the good girls who keep diaries; the bad girls never have the time.
If you let something go, it could fly away. And it’s not always a bad thing.
Some men melt at the sight of two big and beautiful eyes.