We can debate whether it is ethical or not, whether it could be a danger to teenagers or not, whether there should be more or less control, but one thing remains safe and certain.
If today on the internet, 70% of the content visited by users, whether men or women, is “porn” (whether softporn, erotic or explicit), it means that 70% of the population is what they want and are looking for. The rest is just talk.
Even in the dawn of modern technology, how could games avoid dealing with sexual themes? We decided to list the 5 90s games that all teenagers of the time secretly played at least once.
#1 Strip Poker
Without exception, everyone played the first computer strip poker for the old and timeless Commodore 64. It had a graphics power equal to that of a modern alarm clock display, but despite everything it did well in almost everything.
When this little game came out, no one would have imagined its great success. It was very simply about playing poker against a virtual girl and as you won, she took off her clothes. Simple but effective to the point that after the first version many others were released.
Game play of Strip Poker (old gaming)
From the first in black and white, to the color one, the one for Gay with men and finally the version in which even Samantha Fox was hired to show herself how mom made it.
#2 Pocket Gal
Much softer than Strip Poker, but very successful was the idea of associating the idea of Strip Poker with billiards. You chose an attractive opponent and if you won at the end of the match she remained in lingerie.
A “dirtier” version was also released in which there was full nudity but we honestly no longer remember the name of the game.
#3 Gals Panic
In the 90s, a little game was very fashionable in which you had to, following your own line, close boxes without being shocked, until you completely closed the screen. The original game name was Qix. But if we add to this idea that, when the frame is closed, part of an image of a naked girl appears in the background, we get Gals Panic.
#4 Lula the Sexy Empire
Undoubtedly my favorite. Both for the playability, for the idea, for the presence of a plot, but above all for the attractiveness of the virtual protagonist of the game.
Lula ExactlyThe story is that of an aspiring model who is rejected by the Los Angeles studios and finds herself in a remote suburban village penniless and without hope.
Initially you will go to bed with unsuspecting customers of a fetid pub and then you will blackmail them with compromising photographs, you will participate in films, until you create your own industry to dominate the world of porn.
#5 Leisure Suite Larry
Sierra was a very renowned house for games, but given the success of erotic games, it decided to enter into it too with great intelligence by creating a V.M.18 game in which the protagonist passed through different environments and, through the click & find method (search and click), he had to solve puzzles and then manage to get as many women as possible into bed.
The game wasn’t very easy but it was so successful that 10 sequels were released.
There are many ways to talk about your swinging experience and how you got into it, what lessons you learned and the things to avoid in order to live happily and satisfied
This couple knows how to tell every little step with a simplicity that we hope can be of help to anyone who wants to approach this world
We Are Swingers: Here’s What It’s Actually Like
My wife and I are a typical heterosexual couple, but we have a dirty secret: We’re swingers.
No, we don’t twirl and flip to music from the 1940s; we meet other couples and have sex with each other’s partners. Due to our conservative careers and even more conservative families, we keep our sexual practices to ourselves.
Only a few close vanilla friends know what we’re into (“vanilla” is the term swingers use to refer to anyone who isn’t a swinger … and also other swingers who happen to be covered in vanilla).
Here’s what we’ve learned in the several years now that we’ve been “in the lifestyle” (that’s the more subtle term swingers prefer):
Can Take Years Of Negotiating
We were first were introduced to the lifestyle by two married friends, whom we’d found out from common friends’ gossip had an open relationship.
This couple was attracted to us, and they gradually revealed their interest via heavy flirting and questionably sexual contact whenever we’d hang out.
Well, I should clarify: The flirting and contact came from only the husband. The wife was pretty ambivalent about me (probably because I’m just too awesome), and the husband was always a little more aggressive than my wife was ever comfortable with.
Eventually, we realized they were into swinging because he really just wanted to fuck other women, and in an effort to preserve the marriage, she went along with it.
That marriage lasted only a few years before she finally got fed up and divorced him. Yeah, I know, imagine that. She’s in a new relationship now. They are not swingers, and she’s way happier than she ever was with her ex-husband. And that’s kind of the point here.
Due to this rocky introduction, we were initially hesitant to get into the scene.
But the aforementioned couple did turn us on to websites like SwingersTaboo.com or IlLatoOscuro.it (Italian), where you can keep up with the scene and meet other couples. Through these sites, we found information on local mixers — discreet get-togethers at bars, where swingers can meet each other and newbies can get their toes wet (stop giggling) in a chill setting.
The veteran couples we met at these mixers were always welcoming and more than willing to offer us advice on getting started.
And perhaps most importantly, they never pressured us into doing anything we weren’t ready for. In fact, we soon realized the scene is all about asking before you initiate any sort of contact with someone.
That was a welcome relief for us, especially after the pressure my wife had previously received from the aforementioned husband.
As we met more and more couples who were understanding and patient, who were happy to stop the moment one of us hesitated, we realized that there are some truly good and decent people in the lifestyle. And as we got more comfortable, we started being willing to do more.
That led us to three years’ worth of conversations about how far we were willing to go, what exactly we were looking for within the scene, and above all else, how we were in this together. We didn’t want to end up in a situation where one of us was like, “I’m bored. I’m going out fuck-hunting. If I get lucky, I’ll see you tomorrow, loser!”
Once we were comfortable with escalating, we realized …
Can Be Just As Awkward As A High School Dance
After three years of dabbling in local mixers (without ever really hooking up with any other couples), we decided to take the next step: our first big out-of-town event. In Las Vegas, of course, because duh. This one was going to be a four-day takeover of an entire hotel, with over 1,000 swingers in attendance.
As we were packing for the trip, we psyched ourselves up for what we were sure would be a massive 96-hour orgy of writhing bodies. We had another long discussion about how far we were willing to go (“Let’s just go for it all” was our consensus this time), and we showed up with roughly every condom produced that year.
Our fantasies were dashed pretty quickly. The first night, we walked into the venue and saw a bunch of people dressed in the sexiest attire we could imagine (think Vegas nightclub, but without any rules about indecent exposure).
Everyone looked smoking hot, but we couldn’t for the life of us figure out how to talk to anyone. As we walked around, we noticed that everyone seemed to be hanging out in their own cliques.
We felt pretty awkward, but we soon realized that this is just natural human behavior. People gravitate toward those they already know. And when you throw in the strong likelihood that you’re going to be exchanging fluids with them later on in the evening, then of course, you’re going to be a bit more discriminating about who you’re hanging out with.
After two hours of hapless attempts to make eye contact and smile, we finally met a group who welcomed us into their circle. But even then, we soon realized that a get-together of swingers doesn’t always end in a massive orgy.
Sometimes people just want to catch up. The orgy with this group came the second night (seriously, stop giggling). The first night was mostly flirting.
And that’s the weird thing that I never expected: how often you end up hanging around, joking and chatting with each other. Because ultimately, these people are friends first (albeit friends who make each other sticky).
Swinger” Is A Broad Umbrella Term
As we delved into the scene, we realized that every couple has their own specific interests. Some prefer to attend parties and participate in orgies (like my wife and I, as we soon realized). Some are more “introverted” (I know, it’s a weird term in this situation), preferring to meet other couples through the lifestyle websites.
Some couples will do everything but sex (soft swap). Other couples will have sex (full swap), but only if everyone is in the same room.
Many couples get into the lifestyle because the woman realizes she is bisexual, so they’re looking for couples where the women can play with each other, but the men are only involved with their own partners, which may sound complicated or even frustrating for the man, but really is far from something to complain about.
And as we’ve mentioned before, there are “unicorns” — single women who play with couples, so named because their rarity and allure are almost mythical.
Then there are the fake swingers.
These couples tend to be younger. They attend all the big events, and if there’s a stripper pole in the room, you can bet they’ll be the first ones on it. But when it comes down to the actual swinging, they’re more into the exhibitionist aspect of the lifestyle and ultimately are not looking for sex with other couples.
Since each couple sets their own boundaries, when we’re out meeting other swingers, the first thing we have to figure out is what they’re into. There are so many different levels of swinging that even people who’ve been in the lifestyle for decades can’t keep track.
For this reason …
Your Communication And Trust Has To Be Perfect
In case the three years of negotiations I mentioned didn’t drive the point home, a lifestyle couple simply can’t have any communication barriers.
You have to trust each other 100 percent and be open with each other about everything. Imagine the level of trust you need to be able to tell your partner, “I’m really attracted to this person, and I’d like to have sex with them” … and then also feel comfortable that your partner won’t slap you for saying that.
As an example of that communication and trust, here’s a story one couple we met early on shared with us:
A massage parlor opened up near his work, and he had a sneaking suspicion it was one of those sketchy ones. He told her about it, so she laughed and replied, “
Yeah, you go and check it out. Let me know how that goes.” So he did. It did, in fact, turn out to be one of those massage parlors where you don’t get just a massage. He opted for the “happy ending,” but as he explained, it was by far the most mechanical, uncomfortable experience his penis had ever endured.
He likened it to being in the grip of a jackhammer. But here’s the best part: She thought it was hilarious, and they both still laugh about it to this day.
Twisted as that may sound, there was something we found oddly admirable about a couple who could joke about something like this together. My wife and I agree that stories like this are a big part of what drew us into the scene — the fact that couples are comfortable engaging in these silly sexcapades and telling each other about them. We’ve only been married a few years, but seriously, we now believe this is how you 1) make a marriage last, and 2) keep it exciting for decades to come.
And once you have your communication and trust down pat, you realize that …
You Still Have Standards
Just because we’re swingers doesn’t mean that we’ll fuck any random genitals that people whip out. But that’s kind of the impression outsiders get, right?
Even when we’re ready for sex, we have to respect the other couples, and we definitely don’t want to be the awkward aggressive one. So there ends up being a lot of “feeling each other out,” so to speak. OK fine, you can giggle at that one.
No matter how excited we get, we have to recognize when our partner is
1) uncomfortable with the person we’re hooking up with
2) uncomfortable with the person they’re supposed to be hooking up with, or …
3) just plain not in the mood. A failure to do so is the surest way to jam a spiked butt plug into your relationship.
In fact, this was something we noticed about our now-divorced friends. It didn’t matter how clearly not into another couple she was, he would keep going and even berate her for not being in the mood. Remember how I mentioned that the wife was pretty ambivalent about me?
That never stopped the husband from trying to hit on my wife. And in the end, that only made all three of us (my wife and I, as well as his wife) uncomfortable.
The sad reality is, you’ll often meet a couple where you are totally into your “counterpart,” but your partner is not remotely attracted to theirs. Like maybe he looks like Richard Spencer or something.
Or hell, maybe he is Richard Spencer. When that happens, you and your partner need to execute some covert negotiations in the heat of the moment. Because you don’t want to be an asshole and say, “Sorry, dude. I like your wife, but my wife thinks you’re grotesque.”
At this point, you either have to agree to call it off completely, or your partner has to be willing to “take one for the team.” Yes, that is a legitimate lifestyle term … you may giggle.
Now, for the record, some couples do appear to be okay with one partner calling it a night while the other partner keeps going. But most couples we’ve met are leery of this, because it always smacks of those not-quite-on-the-same-page, not-so-tight couples. We’re all out to have fun — comfortable fun. And if any couple even hints of drama, well, there are plenty of other couples to hook up with.
The Scene Is Surprisingly Empowering For Women
We’ve talked before about how this lifestyle is predominantly driven by women, but I wanted to elaborate, because it’s a huge part of what makes this work.
Whether true or not, the societal stereotype of women being demure and men being walking boners is at least acknowledged in the swinger scene.
And because there is this unspoken assumption that men are more into casual sex than women, experienced couples will often let the women take the lead. That is to say, a couple will move at a pace the woman feels comfortable with.
Many of the events we attend start like any typical party, with everyone just hanging out (hehehehe) having drinks. As people loosen up, the women start dancing with each other, and at some point, that escalates into touching and kissing. Once they’ve sufficiently indulged their bisexual sides, only then will the men join in and everyone starts swapping. It just makes everyone so much more comfortable that way. If “reality porn” were honest, you’d skip the first five hours of it. (Sidenote: This dynamic does make it slightly more challenging to be a completely straight woman in the scene.)
Plus, there’s the fact that single men are simply not welcome in the scene. Every now and then, we do meet a male unicorn (not an actual term, because single males are so rare that an actual term is pretty much moot), but they’re always there by personal invitation from a female event host only.
Without fail, they are incredibly charming and incredibly good-looking, and even more notably, they are respectful and don’t make unwanted advances. If anything, they’re available for any interested women to approach. They’re not there to hit on women themselves.
The bottom line is, everyone gets creeped out by the inappropriately aggressive man. For the record, every now and then, we will run across an inappropriately aggressive woman. In these cases, though, people get less creeped out and more eye-rolly.
Put this all together, and it creates a comfortable environment for women to be sexually uninhibited and still fully in control.
Can Create Awkwardness With Your Friends
Remember what I said about swingers being picky about who, when, and where they’ll fuck? Well, that means something more when you consider that swinging is something we just do for fun every now and then.
Just like how you and your significant other may decide to go out for a fancy dinner as a way to be romantic on a Saturday, my wife and I may decide to unleash a fuck storm as ours. Despite what the term “lifestyle” may imply, it doesn’t actually consume our lives.
Yet some people seem to think we’re looking to fuck anyone, anytime, anywhere.
The worst is the (invariably male) acquaintance who somehow finds out about our lifestyle and is just a tad too eager with his questions — or worse, his touching. He finds out we’re swingers, and all of a sudden he thinks it’s okay to touch my wife in a sexual way without any invitation from her. At best, these acquaintances come across as desperate. At worst, they feel like the opening scene of a horror movie.
Among our more tolerant (and less creepy) friends, though, awkwardness can occur too. Ever since my wife and I “came out” to our vanilla friends, most of them have accepted our lifestyle openly, and some have even been curious. Every now and then, though, we’ll notice a slight physical discomfort with our presence — like if I put my arm around a female friend, I may catch her recoiling or stiffening ever so slightly, as though she’s suddenly uncomfortable with the mere thought of me touching her.
My wife has noticed the same thing with a few of our male friends. It’s a subtle difference in how they now respond to physical affection from us — physical affection that was always accepted warmly in the past.
I guess it makes sense, though. Once you find out your friends are into stuff like this, it’s easy to think, “Shit, he just put his arm around me. He’s about to whip out his hog and take me on a tour of Hog City.” The subtle recoils we get are reminders of the hurdles we ourselves had to overcome during our three-year journey to becoming swingers.
Mr and Mrs Atom, from Raleigh in North Carolina, are both bisexual and have been married for three and a half years, moved to Australia after Bradford received a job opportunity too good to pass up.
“Nether of us would ever go back to it.”
“We were both married before meeting one another, which weren’t open relationships,” Angela, 38, added.
“When we started dating, we were hooking up and it wasn’t serious. But when we wanted it to be more serious, we made it known to each other that we wanted to see other people.
“This quickly turned in to seeing couples together … we call it friends with benefits.”
Both working in the science field, the international move allowed the pair to have a clean slate and be completely open about their relationship from the get go.
“We are very lucky,” Mr Atom said.
“When we moved, we got a free pass to restart everything. When we arrived, we made it a point to be open and honest with everyone about our relationship. Both our families know, we have friends at work who know about us, and in the real world we are just open and honest.
“If you hide, that’s a real problem and simply shows guilt, but this is the way a normal relationship can look.”
The pair, who now live in Sydney and run adult sexual education classes in addition to their full time jobs, said every open relationship was different – but they tend to see other couples together.
“It’s a fun experience, but the key to any successful open relationship is a strong basis of communication and trust,” Mr Atom said.
“There are times when we see people separately, which we talk about in depth. This is much more than just sex.
“We consider ourselves ‘socio-sexuals’, meaning we like to have a deeper relationship with people and not just sex.
“Sometimes we have sex sometimes we don’t,” Mrs Atom added.
“Sometimes we might just have a drink with someone, or go to dinner. It’s not just a wham bam thank you ma’am.”
While Mr and Mrs Atom would never go back to a monogamous relationship, they do acknowledge jealousy can come in to play from time to time.
“We are each others home base, so no matter what happens or who we see, we will always come home to each other,” Mr Atom said.
“There is no one that will interrupt us, but jealousy can come in to play.”
“But there’s two sides to the coin with jealousy. Compersion on one side, which means you’re happy if your partner is happy, and on the other side is jealousy.
“For us, it’s about getting in check and in balance.
“We understand this is fringe,” Mrs Atom added.
“We are not the cookie cutter mould of normal. But everybody is very supportive of us.”
While it’s virtually impossible to know how many Australians are living polyamorous [open relationship] lifestyles, a US academic study indicates that about five per cent, or, 1.2 million Aussies are foregoing monogamy for non-traditional partnerships.
Mr and Mrs Atom saw a gap in adult sexual education market, and made the decision 18 months ago to launch By the Bi – which teaches couples and singles everything they’ve wanted to know about sex, but haven’t felt confident or comfortable enough to ask.
“A lot of people in the 25 to 50 year old age group get their sexual education from porn,” Mr Atom said.
“That’s like getting life information from an Avengers movie. So we wanted to educate adults to have a better relationship with their partner.”
The classes, which run once a month from a club in Sydney called The Secret Spot, starts off with a presentation before concluding with a live demonstration.
“This is so people can see and understand what has been spoken about at the start of the class,” Mrs Atom said. Then participants in the class can go home and try it for themselves.
“So if it’s a flirting class, we will demonstrate both good and bad techniques. If we do a massage class, we will demonstrate different hand job techniques,” she said.
“Our most popular classes is the blow job demonstration and the clitoris massage, but
we’ve never demonstrated sex. We try to be informative without being crass.”
The sexually free are always a part of every community or society and swingers can be classified in that category. Swingers are just individuals like you and me; they can be the neighbor next door, colleagues at work, the pizza man, the couple that runs that store in your neighborhood and just about anyone.
Before the internet became an integral part of life, swingers were strictly a secret society of like-minded people who met through dating and adult magazines. Because of the limited mediums through which they met, it was difficult to tell the population of swingers back then, but with the popularity of internet use all that changed. Now it’s possible to meet swingers from any part of the world and arrange a meeting. The swinging community has risen tremendously thanks to the convenience of the internet. There are many swinger sites that have made this possible, one such site is Swingerstaboo.com.
Setting up a Threesome
Have you ever dreamed of having a threesome? It’s possible to find a third for your MMF or FFM threesome using SwingersTaboo.com. All you need to do is create a FREE account with the site to start finding your third. Complete a simple form that gives other swingers an idea of who you are and what you’re looking for to find the perfect match for you and your partner. Whether you’re looking for a single female or a single male to play with, I’m sure you can find him/her on SwingLifeStyle.com.
Meet the Swingers
Once your account has been created, you become an online member of the swing lifestyle and can now log in to meet with other swingers. You can view profile information, pictures, IM or video chat with other swingers online. There is also a swinger’s chat room where you can freely interact with other swingers and join the many swinger groups available.
As you interact with other swingers, you will find out who is interested in participating and fulfilling your dream of a threesome FFM or MMF. You will no doubt meet many interested parties who will gladly give you a date. You can select the persons that perfectly meet your requirements and set up a “Hot Date” to meet and get to know each other. It is that easy. You can meet interested parties located within your area or far away if you want as much privacy as possible.
Have fun
After setting up your “Hot Date”, then relax and get ready to have some fun. Remember the swinger lifestyle is supposed to be fun. Never do anything to anyone that you wouldn’t love done to you without their consent. Please remember “No always means No”.
BAY CITY, MI — A swingers party gone awry has led to a woman facing three felonies.
Bay County Sheriff’s deputies at about 10:30 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 21, responded to an assault complaint in the 100 block of Walter Court, within Bangor Township’s Bangor Downs housing community. The caller told dispatchers a woman was trying to run people over with a motor vehicle.
Deputies arrived to see a red or maroon Dodge Caravan in front of a residence and 28-year-old Amber K. Schomaker trying to enter the home with a screwdriver in her hand. Also outside was her 33-year-old husband, who was bleeding from a wound to his forehead, court records show.
The 26-year-old female resident who called 911 told deputies she and her 31-year-old fiance had the Schomakers over for a swingers party. According to police, Amber Schomaker was downstairs with the female resident’s fiance and her husband was upstairs with the female resident.
When the pair upstairs came down, Amber Schomaker slapped her husband and went outside. The other three people followed her, only to see her get in her minivan and drive toward them. The minivan went over the curb, onto the sidewalk, and toward the porch where her husband and their hosts were standing, the woman told police.
Both men had to jump out of the way to avoid being hit, the woman told deputies.
Amber Schomaker drove away, but came back a few minutes later and resumed a physical altercation with her husband.
The male resident and Amber Schomaker’s husband gave similar accounts as to what had transpired. The husband said his wife attacked him because she was jealous.
The husband had a deep cut to his forehead, bloody scratch marks on his right shoulder, a bite mark on his left shoulder, and was bleeding from his mouth, court records show. Amber Schomaker had a scratch down the middle of her back and a swollen right cheek.
Amber Schomaker, who appeared to be intoxicated, told police she had the screwdriver to start the minivan. She said she had consumed up to a half-fifth of vodka within the previous two hours.
Deputies at 11:05 p.m. administered a preliminary Breathalyzer test to Amber Schomaker, the results of which indicated her blood alcohol level was 0.156. In Michigan, a person is legally intoxicated when his or her blood alcohol level hits 0.08.
Deputies arrested both Schomakers. The husband was arrested for violating a personal protection order listing his wife as the protected party.
While en route to the Bay County Jail, Amber Schomaker threatened to sue the deputies for false arrest. She also added she hoped one deputy’s wife was cheating on him.
“While in intake, Amber continued to be rude and agitated toward jail staff by kicking the doors, yelling, and taking her clothes off,” a deputy wrote in his report.
Once in the jail, Schomaker would not submit to another breath test without her attorney present. Deputies soon acquired a search warrant for Schomaker’s blood and transported her to McLaren Bay Region hospital for the draw, the results of which were not contained in court files.
Amber Schomaker on Friday, Sept. 22, appeared in Bay County District Court for arraignment on three counts of assault with a dangerous weapon — a four-year felony — and single counts of domestic violence and second-offense operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated. The arraigning judge set her bond at $35,000 cash-surety.
Having met a relatively wide range of hotwives I can pretty much say there are common carectheristic among successful bulls.
Here is my top x list of must have to ensure you will be successful in meeting but mostly satisfy a hotwife
Be confident and energetic – Confidence ia really important not only when it comes to sex. Most hotwives embark this journey because their husbands are not able to make them feel desired and deliver when it comes to satisfy their sexual needs. This often leads beautiful women to lose confidence (link to confident wife) themselves despite how attractive they are or in oder circumstances simply need a confident man that can take them how they have never been before. Showing confidence and making them feel comfortable is extremely important at every stage of the relationship. Confidence is not something everyone has to begin with, I was personally very shy but I did manage to develop it by practicing throughout my meets. Check out my guide on how to become more confident when dating an older woman.
Deliver when it comes to sex – it’s very simple, you need to be able to fuck hard and have plenty stamina. There is no if, here. You role as a bull is primarily based on your ability to pound a hotwife like her husband will never be able to. Doesn’t mean all women are after rough sex (link to guides on hard sex) but still I very much doubt you will ever meet a hotwife who is happy to be fucked 5-10 minutes. Most hotwives are over 30-35 and majority of my dates have been over 40. As I have explained in my post on sex with older women (link) the expectations are higher and your ability to deliver will pretty much determine your success in having regular demand. Just to be extra clear, less than 1 hour without coming and ability to pound heavy are essential. Similar to confidence this is something you can also train with time, I advise you read my post on how to last longer and learn how to fuck hard (link)
Size matters, be at least over 6.5-7 inches. Ideally 7.5-8.5″. In many years of experience I yet have to find a hotwife who doesn’t care about size. Some are really obsessed (usually describe themselves as size queens) while some are relatively less strict yet a common fantasy of any hotwife/cuck couple is to go bigger. It’s a great turn on for the husband to see the wife with a bigger guy but also a necessity on her side. The core about hotwife sex is about her getting fucked better by a bigger cock. If you smaller than 6.5″ inches your chances to impress are close to 0 unless you are extremely thick. Yet most wives so far have confirmed 7-7.5″ to be the starting size while over time they are naturally attractes to 8+ inches cocks. I have written a more in-depth post on cock size and why I think it matters, I am not extra large myself and rarely had NOs being 7+” but in case you are very small I doubt this is for you. Differently from most other requirements this can’t be trained, you can only blame mother nature and acknowledge you might become a cuckold husband if you happen to marry a very hot wife.
Understand your role as a bull – this is really important if you want to establish successful long term relationships rather than on off meets. I have written a guide on the difference between the two and my advice to best deal in both situations yet is always essential to understand your role. Couples and hotwives really appreciate if you show respect for both and particularly husbands will be more likely to trust you with their other half if you show respect, good manners and appreciation for the privilege you been give. Check out my guide on managing a long term relationship with a cuckold couple (link).
Don’t treat a hotwife as a number, pay attention to every single detail, listen and be prepared to give her all the attentions she needs. Many bulls (myself included) are not exclusive to a single couple, that said I strongly advise to go for quantity rather than quality. I fully appreciate you can be horny and can’t sync with your existing contacts but meeting new people is not always as efficient or rewarding as developing longer relationships. There have been periods where I could not make it work with any regular hotwife while other times and currently enjoy regular meets with 3 wives on top of one off encounters. Important is to make sure you not being too superficial and just treat every single hotwife and couple with great dedication. If you only think this is just about a 2 hours hard fuck you getting it wrong. Into each meet there is usually more preparation than action. So do regular relationships where you have to be prepared to invest time. I am a very busy professional myself, check out my blogpost on how to sync business with pleasure for tips on how balance and get the best out the time you have available. Easy sex can look appealing and personally I could have ton of it these days thanks to recommendations and many messages I received but over time I decided quality is the way to go. Best hotwives deserve best attentions, don’t confuse this for easy sex.