I hope everyone is on track to crushing your goals for this year! When I first heard the term “swingers,” it was on a talk show and I thought it was a crazy concept, like you might as you are reading this. However, before bashing swingers, listen to how it could benefit some of you.
Swingers are couples or singles who choose to have an open relationship, allowing their partners to have sex with other people, with their permission, of course. I began to learn why this type of relationship can work for anyone willing to follow the rules, respect one another, be honest, get tested for STDs, use protection, and be very selective in choosing partners and remaining private about such a new way of what some couples swear by, a healthy relationship
In the swinging world, couples make their own rules around what they need within relationships and marriages and vow to abide by the boundaries set forth. Couples or singles who select this type of lifestyle seek one or many partners for the pure excitement of getting from one partner what they don’t receive from their “main partner”, the number one significant other in their life.
For instance, one partner might enjoy the way someone else can satisfy them that their long term partner cannot do for them. When two people are very secure with themselves and a lot of trust is established then both feel comfortable allowing the other to have different mates.
They can be of the same sex or different depending upon their mood for the day/night. Some couples choose to play with other couples and keep it with just them or they may branch off and find a couple mates to play with when they are feeling frisky or their husband/wife might be tired, a woman may have just had a baby and cannot have sex for at least six weeks, their partner might travel and leave their significant other feeling like they need someone to fulfill their sexual desires while they are recovering.
Each couple chooses together what their life will look like within their relationship and plan and play accordingly. The benefits are they often times create lasing friendships with others of the opposite sex while enjoying sexual pleasures from them as well.
Things never get stale and it usually spices up the bedroom when both mates are personally with each other. Some couples enjoy watching other couples and learn to role play and seek sexual excitement from the scenerios they create with others and follow through on.
To each his own and many people find their egos get a boost, self esteem is significantly increased as well as their moods, relationships might last longer if couples feel less pressure in the bedroom, no one has any financial obligations, and for some who cannot remain faithful find ways like this to still be married and have a family but are able to see others on the side to fulfill sexual pleasures outside of a loving relationship where both people agree this is what is best for them.
I believe it is best for couples to be discreet when choosing to be a swinger and that children are never involved. If family finds out their loved ones are involved in such a different wild lifestyle it could create a lot of turmoil. I would definitely error on the side of being cautious, but if you are curious then by all means openly discuss with your partner or if you are single then why not give it a try? You might just find you like it a lot more than you thought you would.
I understand this type of bizarre lifestyle does not work for everyone, however, the ones it does work for absolutely live by it and love it. If all of the rules and boundaries are followed and everyone is happy, there really isn’t any harm in living together this way!
Most people, to give the cleaner room to work, prefer scheduling their maids to arrive while they’re away from the house. However, according to the The Naked Cleaning Company’s website, you may want to stick around when they show up.
“The Naked Cleaning Company is a domestic cleaning service provider with body-positive beliefs. We are a professional company with a team of driven and sophisticated individuals, offering high quality, professional service. Our company ethos is to have the best possible discreet service available for busy professionals throughout the UK.”
“We offer various cleaning services from lingerie, topless to fully naked cleaners. There is a cleaner for everyone and we operate seven days a week.”
In an recent interview with the MercuryPress, Nikki Belton (the founder of NCC) went into detail about her new company:
“I’ve had a normal cleaning business for five years and charge £16.50 per hour for that, so I think the naked cleaning will be a lot more profitable. So far we’ve had thousands of people contacting us who are interested – but some people don’t actually think it’s real because it’s so unheard of.”
“Our cleaners will carry out tasks such as vacuuming, dusting and wiping surfaces, but with a twist. The service costs £75 per hour for topless and lingerie, and £95 per hour for fully naked cleaning.”
“Others say that they wouldn’t expect someone to actually run with the idea, but I don’t really care what people think.”
“At the end of the day, we’re a business and there’s nothing sexual about it – it’s more of an individual mindset where people can appreciate the male and female body while respecting the nature of our company. Our cleaners aren’t sex objects, they’re there to do a job.
I’d like to encourage our employees to build their confidence and be proud of their bodies by working with us.”
“In the future, we want to branch out internationally and maybe even employ some naked butlers too.”
Fiona is a woman in her late twenties who lives on the East Coast with her husband Eric and their three-year-old.
So, we’re talking because you recently had a new experience.
My husband and I went to a swingers club for the first time!
Everything starts with a simple approach…
How long had you guys been throwing around the idea?
A couple months — we talked about it a lot, but stopped short of making it an actual possibility. Then very recently my husband was just like, “Let’s just do it, we keep talking about it, I found this place in Atlantic City.” And we decided to go for it, and we went on Friday, and it was awesome.
And you’d never done anything like this before.
Not at all. I had experiences of being drunk and sort of fooling around with a friend and a boyfriend, but I’d never had sex with more than one person at a time, never really had sex with strangers. I only had one one-night stand ever and it was awful. So the idea had crossed my mind in fantasy, but not as something I actually wanted to do.
How long have you and your husband been together?
Married for almost four years and together for just about five.
So what was that transition moment like, from fantasy to all of a sudden you’re staring at each other like, “Okay yeah we’re gonna do this.”
Well, I should say here that my husband and I both have pretty serious trust issues, which is a big reason why this seemed like a potentially bad move. We’ve both had issues with being cheated on, and that stuff sticks to you forever. And he’s quite a bit older than me and has a lot of experience that I never had, and for a long time I was pretty protective of my fantasies: even if I expressed them in the moment and it was hot, afterwards he’d feel weird about it, so I kind of shut stuff off.
So oddly this wasn’t even on the table as a fantasy until I embarked on a bit of an emotional affair with an ex of mine. Afterwards we were working through it and trying to be really honest with each other about sex, and it opened up a new door in terms of what we were willing to talk to each other about.
Like what?
Like me saying, “I actually might be attracted to women.” Aside from making out with friends I hadn’t had any experience with that, so the realization came slowly. And I told my husband and the next day he called me at work and was like, “I want you to know that, if this is something you want to explore, you should be able to do that.”
My first thought was, Oh, that’s cool, and my second was like, Very sweet of you but that’s insane that you think a woman being bisexual is this very specific, like…
Yep. Never met a guy who wasn’t like, “Sure, bang your friend, that sounds great.”
Like, you’re not asking me to explore all the men I haven’t fucked. I don’t think they realize there could be an actual emotional threat.
So he says this to you and where did your mind go?
Well, I shut it down. I didn’t want to go outside my relationship, but my husband wasn’t really getting that picture — in accepting these things he was learning about me, he had a hard time understanding that he was included. But my whole fantasy life includes him. Or at least, once I opened up to him, it made it much easier for him to be part of every narrative. Some of the more self-destructive things embodied in certain fantasies changed once I told him.
Anyway, I’m in therapy, and we’ve gone to couples counseling, and eventually he did understand that he was part of this. We were able to be on the same page, and articulate sexual fantasies that surrounded each other.
For you, how much does wanting to have sex with other people have to do with wanting emotional things from other people?
I don’t see my sexual desires as in any way separate to my emotional desires. I also feel like I have sex and self-destruction pretty well tied together — my sexual history is typically complicated, full of wrong people and wrong reasons, and I’ve got this desire that my husband doesn’t have at all, to keep tabs on people, to know that I’ve had some impact on their life. Which is messed up.
And totally natural. So you guys get on the same page, and?
We talked about swingers clubs, but we thought it’d be too much too soon. Our sex life was getting incredible anyway — we were going to a lot of sex stores, trying new things. But then after awhile my husband was staying stuck on the swingers club as definitely something he wanted to try, and after awhile it had just come up so much that we needed to try it.
And it was obviously not like we had to go all in. There was so much talk about open communication and saying what we’re okay with and we’re not. Either of us could stop it and leave any time. We talked about ground rules — no getting anyone’s phone number, no doing anything without asking the other person. We both had the idea that maybe this would not really go far, and either way we’d end up sleeping with each other at the end of the night, and that’s what mattered.
All right, so night of. What happened? What’d you wear?
We have a three-year-old; she was already set up to sleep at my friend’s house for the night — my friend takes her once a month, which is the best thing ever for a friend to do — and the anticipation was great. We went to this thrift store that doesn’t have a dressing room, and I found three little black dresses, and my husband picked the one he liked the most, a little tank dress that flares out at the waist like a ballerina dress or something, way shorter than anything I’d wear in real life, with a scoop back. Luckily it fit when I tried it on at home. Black heels and a chunky necklace and that was my deal. My husband wore, like, whatever. Jeans. They have it easy.
But also boring.
True. So the club opens at 10 — my husband wanted to go later, which is, you know, the normal thing; I was nervous and wanted to scope it out. So we went early. And the club is BYO, I think that’s sort of standard — and we waited till Atlantic City to go to a liquor store, and my husband doesn’t drink anyway, and by the time we got to a liquor store we could only get wine or beer, so I got some shitty-ass bottle of white something, so I was already like, “This is terrible,” and we pulled up and we see this couple outside in their fifties and the guy has a full-on ’70s mustache, and I was like, “Well, this is exactly what I imagined.”
You were already expecting you’d be on the younger end.
Yeah, I think the general age is usually thirties to forties.
Do you have like a mental cap of what age of dude you’d be comfortable having sex with?
Not at all, I didn’t think it would really get to that point. I figured maybe I would have sex with my husband in this weird public place and that would be hot and maybe there would be a lady and that would be great too.
Okay, so what was the club like?
We were immediately greeted by a receptionist, a much older woman who looked very much like she did not want to be there. You have to sign a release form, it costs like $75 for a couple.
What are the rules about that kind of thing?
Single women get in free, single men have to pay $100, and they only allow 10 single men on a Friday night. No single men on Saturdays.
Makes sense.
Yeah, they’re strict, everything is written out — at any point if someone says stop you really, really have to stop, and if you do anything untoward you’re getting banned. They are very aware of the potential problems. And there are essentially club bouncers walking around the whole night.
God, what a job that would be.
So we walk in, there’s a big TV behind the bar playing porn, a dance floor and a DJ who is only playing songs that are very literally about sex, just totally hammering it in.
There were maybe two other couples when we walked in and I was trying really hard not to make eye contact, but then I felt guilty, because I was like, I should check people out — and then our bartenders (male, which I wasn’t expecting; I was expecting boobs) made me feel really comfortable. One of them showed us around all the rooms upstairs, all these rooms with beds and swings and stripper poles and those things you can bind people’s arms and legs to, and a locker room, and this room with a big bed and a contraption you can attach a dildo to, and this room with like bench observation seating, a room with a mirrored wall. In every room there’s a corner with a cart with towels and sheet sets and a bin to throw the used stuff in, and condoms.
So the idea is you meet someone at the club and move upstairs.
Yeah, I think there’s no nudity on the first floor. It’s more like a regular club down there.
Did it feel like that?
Well, it was pretty empty when I showed up, and the porn and the bad DJ made it more sort of like a bad idea of a regular club. And as the couples started filing in, all the men looked either old and creepy or serious New Jersey meatheads, not my type: the women were much more diverse in their appearances but even then it took me a long time to see anyone that I was remotely interested in.
My husband, on the other hand, was totally into it as soon as the bartender showed us around.
So how’d you ease into things?
We sat on the side of the dance floor, I had a glass of wine, we hung out for awhile. A lot of people knew each other already, it seemed. I was pointedly not making eye contact with anyone, and then finally this one woman — the one I’d thought was most attractive — started dancing for her husband, and finally a Prince song came on, and she and I and this other women got up and danced like it was high school, and then more people came in, and my husband just suggested we go upstairs and fool around.
We scoped the scene out — you know, lots of people having sex, lots of people watching — and we started making out in one of the side rooms. Then my husband was like, “Let’s go out where the people are,” and we sat down in the main room and started fooling around and I started giving him head in front of a bunch of people, and then I got on top of him — I actually kept my clothes on then, and all night too — and anyway, this woman I’d danced with downstairs came in. She was really cute, this light-skinned African-American woman with a bit of an accent, and her husband was this giant black man, like a friendly bear of a human. They came in and she was like, “Would you like to suck my husband’s dick?”
I liked that she approached me, rather than her husband. And I looked at Eric and he was like, yeah, go for it, and she went and got him. And we just started doing things — I actually ended up going down on her, which was the first time that had ever happened for me. And then she asked if she could do stuff with my husband — I think they tried to have sex but he hadn’t used a condom in so long that he couldn’t make it happen. And then another guy came in — he was wearing a hat, which I did not appreciate — and asked if I would suck his dick, so I was going back and forth between these two guys for awhile.
I am loving this story. Very rapid acceleration just now.
In the moment it was just like, “I’m doing this with my husband,” and the ideas I’d had about which people I’d want to do things with sort of went out the window. All I cared about was how they approached me. So then we sort of finished, went downstairs, got another drink.
Did it feel as chill as it’s sounding?
Yeah, nothing felt weird about it. The ladies were joking around, every one was so positive, complimenting each other, you’re running into people in the bathroom.
True sex-positivity seems like the absolute only way for this to go.
Totally, but I have had really little actual experience with people who are like that. I grew up in a really Christian home, my husband grew up Catholic and with all the guilt in the world. I feel like I’m just now learning to talk to some of my friends about sex, even if I’m personally progressive.
Okay, so you go back downstairs, I imagine you’re just like on fire.
I was giddy. It was crazy. My husband went outside to smoke, and I talked to a few people, and then my husband and I went back upstairs and this is when it gets even crazier.
So we went into the weird torture room, and it was just the two of us and we started having sex in there. My husband was behind me and this guy showed up and stood in the doorway watching, and I didn’t want to look at him but my husband was into it, and then a couple more people started watching and we were like, “Okay, I guess we’re performing.”
Then my husband was like, “Does anyone want to get his dick sucked? Wanna do that, babe?” And so the random guy who had been in the doorway just whipped it out. He was actually really wonderful and very gentle and polite. And also he had a pretty big dick.
Excellent, good for him.
And then another guy came in, and so I was doing that too — and like, I think my husband finished, and asked one of them if he wanted to have sex with me from behind. So I think I wound up giving head to three guys, and two of them had sex with me for like a minute each. Finally I was like, “I’ve been giving head for an hour and I’m going to tap out now.”
And that was definitely the most insane series of events of the night.
Your ethos here is inspirational. Just like, all in. So you didn’t have to verbalize these finer points of consent you’d talked to your husband about?
In the first room it was like that. “Do you want to do this, is this okay, can they do this,” etc. But in that last room we were just like, we are just doing this. After he finished, I took a second and was like, “Are you done?” And he said, “Are you? It’s up to you, it’s totally fine with me if you want to keep going.” So I did keep going for a bit, and then I was done too.
And then I hadn’t gotten off at that point because I have to do it myself.
HAHAH oh my god. I can’t imagine how horny you must have been at that point.
Yeah, so we went off into a room, and then I got myself off there, and we had sex again, and another couple was doing stuff next to us — and then a girl joined in, and she was going down on the other girl and her boyfriend was having sex with her for behind, and we were like, “And this is how our night is ending.”
And so you were never uncomfortable?
There were two different guys who approached me asking me to fool around with their wives — I wasn’t into it, I didn’t like being approached by the husband, and I don’t think my husband was feeling it with them either. But those things were totally fine and comfortable. More like, “Maybe later, we’re doing stuff by ourselves right now.”
What did you talk about on the drive home?
We’re driving home at like 2:15, and my husband is having that feeling where you finish watching porn and you realize you’re sort of disgusted and you feel a little bad about it. He finally was like, “Are you okay with the fact that I offered you to give head, without asking you beforehand?” And I was like, “No, that was super hot.”
I wanted him to call the shots — I was into that. It’s part of our fantasy.
He thought that you didn’t really want to do it?
Well, to be fair, I generally have a hard time saying no. We’d talked about how if I didn’t answer a question he asked me it would mean no. But he did really read me correctly, even if he was worried he hadn’t.
After that, for the next couple of days, we went at it like teenagers. Just days of having flashbacks every half hour, of like “Holy shit, we did that.” It was wild and awesome. We’re both still dealing with these residual feelings of guilt, like Is this normal, should we have been that comfortable with it, but also who cares, it was great. Eric was like, “It was really awesome to see you as your own sexual person that is independent of me.” And I loved that. We pretend that our sex lives before didn’t exist, or you block that out about our partner, but seeing your significant other in this way was really awesome.
Are you going to go back?
Definitely. There’s one actually right in our neighborhood.
It still doesn’t feel like a demographic I “belong” to — in whatever subculture I’d be placed into, this doesn’t really seem to exist. Or maybe this is just across all subcultures. The club was racially mixed, a diverse range of ages and looks. But the dominant theme does seem to be older married couples.
And I’m also still thinking about aspects of this. I know it’s a little reckless, that you can’t be completely protected sexually. But you do crazy reckless shit when you’re single, and the idea that once you’re married all this stuff just goes away and you’re a wholly responsible person…
I think we were responsible in all the important ways within the context of our relationship, anyway.
Any helpful tips you want to leave people with? Tips for first-time swingers?
Communication is the most important thing before, during and after. You cannot try and have your partner be a mind reader. Also, if you drink, you should, but do not get drunk. I was worried about that, in terms of consent and inebriation, but no one at the club seemed out of it. Just do whatever you can to mentally prepare yourself for all of the possibilities. Any ground rules that you need to set, set. Just know that you yourself can change those ground rules in the moment, too, if you find that you need to — and make sure you’re clear with your partner about that, and vice versa.
A former banker who has been swinging with her husband for four years says their unusual sex life has made her feel more empowered than ever.
Jackie and John Melfi, both 52, regularly sleep with other men and women, go to swingers events together and even treat each other to surprise threesomes.
Now the pair, from Texas, say they are determined to debunk the myths around the swinging lifestyle
Jackie and John Melfi have been sleeping with other people for four years
The married couple, from Texas, say the swinging lifestyle brings them closer
Pair, both 52, say it helps with ‘trust and communication’ in their relationship
ackie – who has six children from previous marriages and five grandchildren – says swinging has given her freedom to explore her sexuality in a non-judgmental environment, which has made her marriage even stronger.
‘Most of the time, when you say you’re into swinging, people think your relationship is lacking honesty, or there is some deception involved,’ she said.
‘But it’s great for my and John’s trust and communication. I believe it’s to thank for the success of our relationship.
‘It keeps me young. Being introduced to the lifestyle encouraged me to say yes and try new things in life. I’ve learned to let go and I’m no longer concerned about what people will say.’
Jackie added: ‘Being encouraged to be openly sexual as a woman has blown my mind. Exploring and having positive reinforcement and affirmation from my partner is great too.’
While the couple usually meet sexual partners at swinging events, they sometimes treat each other to a surprise threesome.
John, who has two children and two grandchildren from previous relationships, explained: ‘I once got an attractive man to come into our bedroom and surprise Jackie while we were having sex.
‘I’ve also organised for a friend to stay with Jackie and keep her “entertained” when I’ve been out of town before.’
He says that while some people might find their lifestyle ‘odd’, he loves seeing how ‘happy and confident’ it makes his wife.
‘Our love is real and we’re just like any other married couple,’ John insisted.
The pair started dating after Jackie split from her second husband. Despite feeling their ‘instantaneous connection’, Jackie was a little surprised when she found out that John owned a number of swingers’ clubs.
She says: ‘Due to John’s work, the topic came up pretty early on. I’d grown up in a traditional and conservative household where we went to church three times per week.
‘John, on the other hand, had always been very open-minded and had his first threesome after graduating from high school.
‘I had some misconceptions as I’d been taught swinging wasn’t positive at all – I thought the couple must not love each other, or were using it as an excuse to cheat.
After discussing it for a few months, Jackie finally felt comfortable enough to give ‘the lifestyle’ a try.
‘Meeting John gave me the freedom to explore that side of myself,’ she said.
The couple found a man on Craigslist who was willing to meet them in his hotel room.
‘I was really surprised,’ said Jackie. ‘I’d been so nervous and had so many fears going into it, but it was so different from anything I’d experienced. There were so many emotions and they were all incredibly positive.
‘It really did bring us closer. Having so much love and compassion coming from John in that situation made me realize all the possibilities of swinging.
‘Everything suddenly fell into place and I was free to express myself sexually.’
After that experience, the couple started swinging more regularly with both men and women. Within a year of the two of them first meeting, they were husband and wife.
Now, four years on, they attend swingers’ clubs and events and meet like-minded people through adult social networking sites.
Jackie says: ‘There could be months in between experiences, or we could spend an entire weekend with someone. For it to be enjoyable, there needs to be a lot of trust and a high level of emotional comfort.’
‘John and I talk about everything and share our fantasies with one another. If John makes a comment about an attractive woman walking past, it’s not a taboo. I love that we can do that together.’
She added: ‘Our children are happy for us too – they see me and John as role models and ask for advice. I’m glad I’ve been able to show my kids the positive impact an ‘open’ marriage can have.
‘It’s fostered a lot of honesty and openness. My children feel comfortable talking about sex with me and expressing their feelings.’
In 2015, the couple set up their website, openlove101.com, to educate anyone wanting to experiment, and to debunk the misconceptions of swinging.
Through the site, the couple have coached and counselled thousands of curious people trying to decide if swinging is right for them. They help others by sharing their personal experiences and knowledge.
‘When you imagine the typical swinger, it’s the ’70s image of swapping keys and wife-swapping But it’s much more than that,’ said John.
‘In my clubs, a lot of people come just to watch, to be watched or to soak up the sexual atmosphere. Swingers are really varied people, you don’t just have to swap partners to be one.’
Doyou want to give swinging a try? you have talked to your partner and both are interested? Have you read our guide about “How to become a swinger couple” ? Very good. It’s time to make a furher step
How to approach a Swinger Couple
So you and your partner have decided you want to give swinging a try? You’ve had the conversation and read some articles, and you are now ready to move to the next phase: finding a couple to “swing” with.
Should be easy enough, but what exactly is the best way to approach another like-minded couple?
Well, John and I are swingers,ans we have compiled a top five list of important tips and strategies to help those new (and seasoned) to the lifestyle.
1. Just introduce yourselves
Seems simple enough.
You and your partner have decided to visit a local swingers club. You see another couple who seems interesting and who you both find appealing. Take the initiative and go introduce yourselves to them.
Remember this is no different from any other introduction. “Hi, how are you? I’m John, and this is my wife Jackie.”
2. Strike up a conversation
This will be the natural progression following an introduction. “So is this your first visit to the club? Do you live in the area?” Again, the conversation can begin just like any other first meeting conversation.
This is that all important opportunity to see how the four of you mesh. Is the conversation flowing? Does everyone seem to be enjoying each other?
TIP: Don’t start off by talking about sex.
3. Bringing up the lifestyle
This may sound silly, especially since you are already in an environment where like-minded couples gather, but it is still an important topic to touch on.
“So how long have you been in the lifestyle? Is this your first visit to a swingers club?” Not everyone visiting a club will be a veteran swinger. You may have approached another couple new to the lifestyle (known as a “newbie”).
Talking about the lifestyle can and does create another level of interesting conversation. “Oh my gosh, we’re new also. I was so nervous about visiting!” Or “We are lifetime members of this club and have been in the lifestyle for years.”
4. Take it to the dance floor
What better way to get a “feel” for each other than moving your newfound friendship onto the dance floor!
Both couples will have the opportunity to not only dirty dance with their own partner, but you can swap partners and really get up close and personal with your potential playmates.
5. Wanna play?
So everything seems to be going good. Everyone is having a great time. The conversations are flowing, as well as the drinks. The four of you have even ventured out onto the dance floor for a little pumping and grinding!
The energy is getting more and more sexually charged, enough so that venturing into the playrooms sounds and feels enticing.
How do you bring up moving to the playrooms? Playing is a term swingers use to describe being with another couple, whether it involves watching, heavy petting or intercourse. Sometimes it’s as simple as “Hey guys, we’re going to the playrooms … want to come?”
Remember this is about enhancing the relationship with your partner. Whether you end up playing with another amazing couple or you and your partner end up exploring each other, it will always be a successful experience.
Who are the Swingers? Why swapping the wife or the husband with someone else just for sex? It is dangerous for the relationship and it is only for couple that doesnt love anymore and wants just to have fun staying still toghether?
All these questions are not easy to answer and we must start from a mutual point.
“Sex and Love are two different things”
Monogamy is often the default option for many couples when it comes to intimacy. But not all couples go into relationships “closed,” nor do all relationships stay on a path of mutual, purposeful monogamy. Many couples have “open” arrangements and understandings, and some even look to strengthen and spice up their sex lives through actively adding partners to their twosomes, which is otherwise known as “swinging.”
But embarking on a swinger’s lifestyle isn’t as simple as sifting through Craigslist. There are boundaries, guidelines, and overall expectations couples should strongly consider before totally throwing out the comfort of tradition.
What is swinging?
Swinging is where a couple seeks out another couple or single person (or two) to enter into sexual relations or swap partners. This could happen via an ad or a designated party or a meet-up—or like any other sexual encounter, casually and randomly.
“I think what’s happening now is that it’s 2017 and people are coming to the understanding that we are going to live until we are basically 80 years old and what are we going to do with each other?” said Cristine Milrod, a sex therapist and researcher in Los Angeles.
Swingers give permission to their partners to have sex or “play” with other people, sometimes joining in or just watching from the sidelines. Couples who embark on this lifestyle often have rules that set a level of trust, like being with others, together, sexually, but being only with each other emotionally.
How to get started in swinging
Talk with your partner
Having a discussion with your partner about swinging is the first step to finding out if the choice is right for the both of you. It’s important that you both are on the same page, and that you aren’t rushing into it without understanding your own personal boundaries regarding intimacy first.
One way to test the waters is to watch porn together and study each other’s reactions. Find our what you like, what’s boring, what’s a turn off. Are you jealous of what he likes or finds attractive? Are you turned on by being turned on by the same things? This is a starting point for conversation.
Do your research
“Swinging can mean different things to different people,” says Milrod. “And I think that’s really important to acknowledge, so do your research before jumping into anything.”
This research could mean visiting swinging forums or engaging in conversations with other swingers first to get an idea of expectations and possible issues. Often, people mistake swinging to be the same as polyamory, where a single party practices emotional and sexual relations with multiple people other than their significant other. Swinging is a joint effort, where the couple goes into swinging together, whether simply for pleasure or to improve their relationship.
To some, knowing that both parties are going into it as a pair, as equals, makes swinging seem more appealing and approachable.
Set some rules
“Know your boundaries, negotiate your boundaries beforehand, and also know that boundaries can be renegotiated depending on feelings,” Milrod says.
Rules are important to feel safe in any new and strange environment, and if respected, rules can also strengthen trust between couples. The boundaries you make with your partner can always be shifted based on comfort levels. Ultimately, it comes down to what you two, as a couple, want out of swinging—and if the reality of swinging is giving you what you want.
oin a club or party
The ways couples find partners varies depending on their preferences.
Attending a hosted party or a swingers club is a more personal and natural way of jumping into the swingers community. Exclusive parties are most likely hosted in your area and can be found on dating websites (register to our web site.. it’s free! Click Here )
Many of these parties are private, and phones with cameras or video are not allowed inside due to obvious privacy issues. People are able to join or become members of these parties or societies like Killing Kittens or the Society of Janus, the latter of which focuses on BDSM.
Also, don’t feel like you have to give into the pressure to interact the first time you attend a party. Just go and observe to see if the group is right for your relationship.
Find a website
There are many different websites, mainly with free subscription but you have to pay later to read messages or attend events. What we would you to suggest is to start with SwingersTaboo.com (free always) that is suitable for everycouple in every place in the world. Register Here !!
What to expect when swinging
The notion that swinging is a chance to have sex with attractive people other than your original partner is not accurate. Do yourself a favor and ditch the idea that swinging is like Fifty Shades of Grey with high-profile, magical soirees in a mansion filled with extremely sexy people. The parties and elite clubs will most likely be filled with regular folk like your next-door neighbor.
Since swinging is often about exploring the physical side of intimacy with your partner and others, not engaging in emotional attractions, be aware that if unwanted feelings start to occur, then swinging may not be for you.
“Some people could fall in love,” said Milrod. “And if you are they type of person that really is more adept to a monogamous relationship based on your own level of comfort, feelings, and cultural background, there are ways this can both really enhance your relationship or really damage it like a torpedo. You’ve got to have rules in place.”
Swinging isn’t just a big orgy, either. At society parties or clubs, couples interact with one another based on what they are comfortable with. In one room, everyone could be observing a couple having intimate sex together, and in other private rooms, a couple could select a single woman to interact within their boundaries.
“Some couples we run into are heavily against kissing or engaging in only one partner,” said Smith. “To each his own, and in this world, it’s important to treat others with respect if you too wish to receive respect.”
The boundaries established before entering a party or meet-up will help aid the natural feelings of possessiveness and jealousy some might experience, and according to Milrod, could ultimately improve a couple’s sex life and take their relationship to another undiscovered level.
The swinging lifestyle isn’t for everyone and certainly hasn’t broken through most barriers of social acceptance, but having confidence in your relationship and trust with your partner is important to expanding your sexual repertoire.