Create your profile
How to create and finalize your profile on SWTB
Registering on SWTB (SwingersTaboo.com) is simple, free and absolutely anonymous.
Access to the site is free for all those people who know the rules of this world and who understand the minimum basics of mutual respect and understanding where a refusal or non-response is never to be considered an offense, but a simple choice of the interlocutor.
Profile creation is the most important part that determines your presence and visibility among other users
It is a business card that must be complete in all its parts (photo, description, what you are looking for) to give the opportunity to be contacted only by people who have the same interests.
A profile without photos not only will not receive interest but, most likely, will not even receive replies to the messages sent.
No personal information will shared to anyone. Just your nickname and regional zone/state to help other users to find people near them.
Let’s see what to do…
Complete all the required fields paying attention to the difference between the USERNAME (the one you will log in with) and the PROFILE NAME (the one that other users will see).
We strongly advise you against using real names or names that can be traced back to you, unless you choose otherwise.
Type twice the password you want to set for your account. Don’t use the same for all websites. Hackers could hack another web, steal the email and password and access here.
Select the type of account that represents you (Couple/Single Male/Single Lady/Trav/Tranv-Trans).
for NATIONALITY we highly suggest to select the place where you live most of the time, to help people to find you.
In the PROFILE DESCRIPTION and enter as much information as possible in the description field: Who you are, what you are looking for, what you don’t want and what you would like to achieve.
Once completed, press the SIGN UP button
![account1 ten libertine adventures](https://www.swingerstaboo.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/account1.png)
Your account has been created but…
Just after the registration form you will read
“You have successfully created your account! To begin using this site you will need to activate your account via the email we have just sent to your address.”
At this point just wait 1 or 2 minutes and go to check your email. If you did non find it, please just go inside the spam folder.
We highly suggest to set the sender (us) as not spam or trusted, so you could be always notified of request of friendship & comments on your profile
To complete the registration YOU HAVE TO click the link in the email you have received and then click the button “ACTIVATE”
Add your profile name (set during the registration process) or your email and press LOG IN.
At this point you MUST load a profile picture. After you uploaded one you can choose which section would be visibile to all users, simply cropping them, reducing or enlarging the section.
Once you have finished simply press “Crop Image”
You will read the message “Your new profile photo was uploaded successfully.” and you are redy to go and surf the website.