Only woman can
No being in the world, as only a woman can, can wait for the right moment. The only thing left to man is to know how to grasp it
No being in the world, as only a woman can, can wait for the right moment. The only thing left to man is to know how to grasp it
Drenched with cravings and my moods, hormonally exploded for the desire to be dominated as your object. Despised, used, abused in every possible form.
Because I deserve it, because I want it, because I want to walk badly coming out of your house and full of marks and bruises, smelling of your sperm on you, so that those who cross me know or suspect how much you have made me the bitch I am.
You should never allow yourself to tell a woman to shut up. If you really want to do it so that you don’t speak, there are absolutely more appetizing and shared solutions.
Would you be willing to play with them, on our terms, without guarantees on what will be done and without any limit? How far would you go?
Abandon yourself in my hands and feel me without looking at me. You will burn with passion more ardently.