True exhibitionism
True exhibitionism is about showing others what they would like to own, but cannot afford it.
True exhibitionism is about showing others what they would like to own, but cannot afford it.
Boobs, bosoms, breasts, the girls, puppies, tits, baps, call them what you will. To me they’re just boobs. Love them or hate them they are a part of you, whether you are male, female or anywhere in between. Small, medium or large. Pert and perky or saggy and baggy, baby ravaged or battle scarred they are a part of you. Man boobs included here.
Our boobs are just one of those fascinating things about our bodies, they provide food and those essential first nutrients for babies, they can make us feel attractive, they are unique to you and can empower you. You don’t have to burn your bra to be a feminist these days you know. They can also do the complete opposite and make you feel like an ‘object’. They can be ravaged by disease and cause you pain. But remember they are a part of you and you are amazing.
As much as you may hope, there is no need to insist. When it is useless to ask to be looked in the eye, turn your gaze elsewhere.
‘MILF’ is code for Mother I’d Like To Fuck. But there’s really much, much more to it. Here’s a unique take on what is a MILF exactly.
Sometimes a photo can tell you how much you desire me a thousand times more than a “I miss you” written with an infinity of hearts.